Christmas in the Little Things

December 13, 2008

The weatherman came through today. We got the predicated snow! Not very much, but it’s the first of the season here on our hill above Port Susan Bay. It lies soft as a down comforter across the shrubs and lawns. Colored lights twinkle from all the eaves. It’s Christmas in our neighborhood.

More often, December wears a less festive look in this mild climate. Dripping skies, leafless trees, gray skies, a damp wind…but then, Christmas has always been in the eye (and the heart) of the beholder. It burns the brightest in the little things.


The holly
Offers up December berries.

In its branches
Nature sings and celebrates:
Chickadees in neat tuxedos,
Red-sweatered robins,
Svelte varied thrush with banded throat;
And on a weathered rail there lights
one regal jay,
a bandit king in royal blue.

Oh, what a Christmas moment…
God’s joyous gift to this gray day!

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