Heroes of Faith

The image “https://i0.wp.com/s418.photobucket.com/albums/pp264/Hjhusby/th_P1010264.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. As I write, my old friend Donna is undergoing serious heart surgery in a far-away hospital.

She asked me and her other friends to pray, and that’s what I’ve been doing in the short weeks since she found out the magnitude of her problem. I pray for a successful surgery, of course, and for complete healing. But mostly, I’ve been affirming Isaiah 26:3, “Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusts in thee.”

Donna is one of those ordinary heroes of the faith who has faced an abundance of challenges throughout life and has come through them victorious, because her mind is stayed on God.

Not that she didn’t react as any woman would as she struggled through two difficult marriages while raising her children to be fine adults. When she finally found her soulmate, and he died of cancer after a very short marriage, she grieved as any other woman would. She suffered excruciating migraines for many years. She was seriously injured in a freak accident that caused damage to her lungs. She underwent a painful hip replacement.

But through it all, her faith in a good God has never wavered, and it hasn’t wavered now. I heard the evidence of her peace in our telephone conversations. It gives her confidence that whatever happens, she is safe in God’s hands.

Donna lives far away because she left our community to support her daughter and family. When her son-in-law was a young doctor, he contracted multiple sclerosis. It wasn’t long before he could no longer practice. That didn’t stop him and Debbie from adopting three brothers to join the three children they already had. Their mother had died in an accident and one was a newborn. All six have grown to be the kind of young people that would make any parent proud.

Debbie herself, a former athlete, has had two hip surgeries to improve a congenital problem. Her husband has been completely helpless for several years, yet she cares for him alone, as well as encouraging and mothering the children. Now she will need to care for her own mother.

I admire people who don’t get stuck in asking, “Why me, God?” They know God is not the author of sickness or pain. They live triumphantly, whatever comes, confident in a bright future for those who trust Him.

Donna, and Debbie, too, will come through this hard stretch with spirits strong. They are heroes in my book.

Tough Love

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What do these eggs and this boy have in common?*

Daughter Carmen is a farmer at heart. Carmen and her husband John’s numerous garden plots burst with flowers, grapes, berries, or veggies. Fruit trees dot one slope of their thirteen acres. A well-tended woodland beyond the cultivated areas supplies wild berries. They cull trees for firewood. They have carved out areas for events such as weddings, barbecues, and receptions. For years, Carmen has taken in boys in need of tough love: grandsons, nephews, and children of friends. The farm is also home to chickens, cats, dogs, pigs, and sometimes rabbits and goats.

John does much of the groundskeeping and most of the cooking, but Carmen cuts down trees, cares for the animals, and amazes us with her creative and frugal approach to life .

We were there for a Father’s Day picnic recently, where John and the current nephew-in-residence roasted a whole pig. Carmen showed me drying racks filled with rose petals being turned into potpourri. Looking down the stairway to the basement, I noticed brightly painted designs on the floor and asked about them, so she invited me to take a closer look. She’d marked off sixteen-inch squares on the cement, like tiles. She and her grandsons had painted each one in its own riot of color and design, then finished with a clear protective coat. The floor is a work in progress. Whenever she feels the need for a creative “fix,” she designs and paints another tile.

While we were there, Carmen lifted the lid of a homemade incubator, set aside the light bulb inside, and sprayed water on a dozen or so large brown eggs. She rolled each one firmly in all directions, wetting it thoroughly.

“What in the world are you doing?” I asked.

“My laying hens are about to stop producing,” she replied. “So I’m going to raise chicks to replace them. If I don’t spray the eggs twice a day, the shells dry out and get too hard.”

“I suppose that’s one reason the hen sits on her eggs,” I said. “You’re replacing the warmth and humidity from the hen’s body.”

“Yes. They need the struggle of getting out on their own, but if the shells are too hard, the chicks can’t break through, and they die. When it’s time for one to hatch, you can hear it tapping in a circle around the shell with its little egg tooth. It rests, cheeps, and struggles some more.” If someone tries to assist the chick, she said, the process is hindered. Part of the shell will stick to the skin, and the chick will bleed to death if it’s peeled off.

She told me about her first attempt at hatching chicks. “I was too gentle when I rolled them. The chicks hatched, but they hadn’t developed right. They were lopsided when they stood, and they couldn’t walk. John had to destroy them.”

“Wow,” I said. “You just wrote my blog for me!”

“How so?”

“Well, those chicks need ‘tough love’ to be strong and healthy, don’t they? Just like human beings, like these kids you take in and help to become men.”

Carmen nodded and agreed.

Kids come with guidelines that must be met if they are going to develop into strong, healthy human beings. If something is missing in childhood, we can grow up crippled emotionally or spiritually. We need the right balance between gentle care–like the hen’s warmth and protection of her developing babies–and tough love, the need and freedom to struggle and grow strong.

I think Carmen makes a good “mother hen.” She supplies the nurturing and tough love that were missing in the lives of the troubled kids she takes in and helps them become strong, resourceful, and responsible people.

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*Healthy, productive chickens and healthy, productive kids both need nurturing and tough love.